Taking care of your trees


Why do trees need to be trimmed?

Trees don't necessarily require trimming, but neglecting a tree can lead to self-trimming or “sudden limb drop.” This is when external forces such as strong weather cause stress on trees’ limbs and branches, causing them to fall. A neglected tree is not only capable of inflicting serious damage to your property, it’s also dangerous!

Limb failure prevention

To manage the risk of limb failure, our team of ISA-certified arborists assess the likelihood of a tree’s limbs failing. Considering the potential damage severity, we provide homeowners with a risk assessment to help them make the best decision possible. In this way we work to mitigate risk and reduce it accordingly.

the value of tree maintenance

Your trees are part of your real estate investment. Our professional tree service will pay for itself many times over in property value increase. One bad tree trimming job could set your trees back over 10 years of correctional growth. Don’t take the chance of having just anyone come trim your tree. Trust the professionals!

One of our tree experts climbs down a silver dollar eucalyptus after a successful tree trimming

One of our tree experts climbs down a silver dollar eucalyptus after a successful tree trimming

Stump grinding is the final step in a tree removal

Stump grinding is the final step in a tree removal


Frequently Asked Questions


How much does it cost to trim a tree in Los Angeles?

Determining the cost of tree trimming in Los Angeles can be challenging due to various factors. Factors such as safety considerations, location, and the tree's growth patterns all play a role. Trees in front yards are typically more affordable due to proximity to equipment, while backyard trees near power lines may pose additional risks. Costs are influenced by time, risk, hazards, and property value. Our industry faces high insurance premiums due to the inherent dangers; we prioritize safety, given the risks involved in our work, making tree trimming prices reflective of these factors.

Why is tree trimming so expensive?

Tree trimming expenses are attributed to the intricate nature of our work. As arborists, our lives are at risk daily, hanging from ropes with chainsaws at considerable heights. The cost includes insurance premiums, reflecting the high-risk nature of our industry. This investment ensures the safety of both our team and your property.

Does my tree need trimming?

While not mandatory, trees benefit from trimming. A balanced approach, removing about 15-20% of the branches, allows for natural growth and creates a microclimate supporting biodiversity. Dead or diseased and dysfunctional branches should also be removed which will reduce weight and load on the canopy. This will also open up space for light which will intern promote new shoots to grow. The frequency depends on the tree's location and species, considering factors like sunlight availability. Ideally, we aim for minimal stress on the tree to promote healthy growth.

How often should trees be trimmed? 

Trimming frequency depends on the tree's location and species. Trees in shaded areas grow slower than those in direct sunlight. Keeping a canopy fosters a microclimate that supports life in and around the tree. We recommend allowing trees to grow within their biosphere for three to five years after trimming to avoid stressing the tree. If trees are encroaching onto the home or around power lines, they may need yearly maintenance.

What happens if you don't trim a tree?

Neglecting tree trimming may lead to the tree self-trimming (sudden limb drop) or external forces causing limb failure. Weight and Wind are the two main factors in limb or tree failure. The limbs can become very heavy from leaves, fruit, or snow and when it is combine with wind, it usually results in failure. All trees are different, we focus on risk assessment and work with homeowners to decide on acceptable risk levels, mitigation options to reducing potential hazards.

Can I trim neighbors' overhanging tree branches in California?

In California, tree ownership is determined by where the trunk and roots grow. The owner bears the “duty of care” to maintain the tree's health and safety, even if branches or roots extend beyond property lines. If a neighbor were to cut a branch that overhangs onto his property without permission, the homeowner can file for damages on the neighbor who cut the tree. Communication with neighbors is vital before pruning, as unauthorized trimming can lead to legal repercussions.


Who We Are

Our team of ISA certified arborists is bonded, licensed, and insured
One of our expert certified arborists during a tree risk assessment
We’re here to help with all your tree care needs
  • Small business built from the ground up

  • Professional tree workers and arborists

  • diverse team with decades of combined experience

Communities We Serve


Our Services

  • Arborist consultations 

  • Tree Risk Assessment TRAQ

  • Tree workers

  • Tree trimming

  • Tree removal

  • Stump Grinding

  • GIS Tree Mapping

  • Tree Tag ID Mapping

  • Tree management programs

  • Tree maintenance programs

  • Tree health programs

  • Homeowner association consultations

  • Commercial property management plans

  • Residential property management plans

  • Fire hazard Brush clearing 

  • Fire safety mitigation 

  • Consulting Arborist Litigation

  • Consultant Arborist Mitigation